Huawei 5g CPE pro 2 H122-373 ZAIN 5G company

Hello sorry i dont speak arabic but i will still attach translation, So i have a zain5g and i get ping 200 and upload 5mbps, i live in unayzah qassim and my ping is 30ms on speed test. I want it to bring low as there is lots of stutter in and was wondering if i can modify the router or buy a new router and an antenna as i am really frustrated by the service recently.also is it possible to change frequency bands on this wifi

مرحبًا، آسف لأنني لا أتحدث العربية، لكنني سأرفق الترجمة مع ذلك.
لديّ اشتراك زين 5G وأحصل على بنق 200 مللي ثانية ورفع 5 ميجابت في الثانية. أعيش في عنيزة، القصيم، وعند إجراء اختبار السرعة يظهر أن البنق 30 مللي ثانية. أريد تقليل البنق أكثر لأنه يوجد الكثير من التقطيع، وكنت أتساءل عما إذا كان بإمكاني تعديل جهاز الراوتر أو شراء راوتر جديد مع هوائي (أنتينا) لأنني أشعر بإحباط شديد من الخدمة مؤخرًا.


What is the name and model number of your router?

Did you try locking the bands on the router?

If the speed when using the SIM card directly is better than the router, then the issue might be with the router. You may need to lock specific bands or check if there are restrictions imposed by your ISP.


HUAWEI H122-373 5G CPE Pro 2 is the router name, and how can i know if zain is putting restrictions as well as which and where can i lock the bands as i cant see the option in router. i am really confused if i should switch to stc 5g with some other router or use this as i willbe shifting to new house next week

Oh with this router you cannot band lock.

Regarding restrictions try this link and keep page open then continue your work